Lab Floorplan template
EH&S Guidelines for Peroxide Forming Chemicals
This guide will help you manage your peroxide forming chemicals and outlines the procedures for the required stabilization of peroxide forming chemicals and destruction of peroxides prior to disposal.
UW Safety Responsibility Matrix
Safety Training for Laboratory Personnel
University laboratory personnel refer to this lab safety training matrix to determine the required and recommended safety training courses.
Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist
A sample of the Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist form that is used by our survey team during lab inspections that can also be used for self evaluation of your lab.
Also see Lab Survey Question Explanations.
Animal Use Medical Screening (AUMS)
The animal use health screening program evaluates and addresses potential health risks related to working with research animals. It is offered to all University faculty, staff, and students who work directly with animals or unfixed animal tissues or body fluids.
The animal use health screening is also offered to UW Facilities staff who enter the animal care environment.
When is the animal use health screening required?
Laboratory Animal Allergy Focus Sheet
Laboratory animal allergens can pose a serious health concern for those who work with or near animals.
Diving Safety Program
The Diving Safety Program provides training and oversight to faculty, staff and students who use self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) as a tool to conduct underwater research.
Scientific diving is regulated at both the state and federal levels. The Diving Safety Program uses training, operational support and oversight to ensure compliance with these regulations. The program also meets the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) Standards for Scientific Diving; it is a current AAUS organizational member.
Requirements for Scientific Diver Certification
The steps to become a Certified Scientific Diver at the University of Washington (UW) are outlined in the Requirements for Scientific Diver Certification.