Radiation Safety Committee

The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is responsible for the safe use of radiation producing devices and radioactive materials at all UW locations, including the UW Medical Center and Harborview Medical Center.

The RSC is comprised of members from departments across the University that regularly use radiation producing devices or radioactive materials.

In addition, several members are specifically designated, including:

  • RSC Chair
  • Radiation Safety Officer
  • Office of the UW President  (can be delegated)
  • Nursing representative
  • An authorized user of each type of medical use of radioactive material permitted by the University’s radioactive materials license

RSC members are a diverse group representing management, administration, departments using radioactive materials and various disciplines of clinical patient care.  This diverse membership offers a matrix of experience and education to assure knowledge of radiation and management issues, and to provide scientific opinions on the safety and efficacy of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures involving radiation use in human subjects.


Radiation Safety Committee meeting information

Because the RSC sets policy for the University, RSC meetings must meet the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and be open to the public.

Meeting information will be posted to this page as it becomes available.

The agenda is available under the Reference Files section of this page.

2025 RSC Meetings

  • March 4
  • May 20
  • August 26
  • November 18

Frequently asked questions

More Information



Radiation Safety Contact

(206) 543-0463
Reference Files