
Updated February 7, 2025

The Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Ergonomics Program helps University departments/units and personnel identify risk factors that can contribute to the development of work-related musculoskeletal injuries and determine solutions to eliminate or reduce these risk factors. We offer guidance to University personnel with ergonomic questions and concerns.


The EH&S Ergonomics Program provides services for UW personnel who are not employed by or working in UW Medicine medical facilities.

 UW Medicine personnel should contact their employee health center contact listed below.

UW Medicine employee or clinical space Employee Health Center contacts
Harborview Medical Center (HMC)

Addi Jenkins and HMC Employee Health

UW Medical Center (UWMC) - Montlake

UWMC Employee Health

UW Medical Center (UWMC) - Northwest Lindy K Beyer and UWMC-Northwest Employee Health 
UW Medicine Primary Care (UWPC) Allie Romain-Dika and UWPC Employee Health 


Below are guidance documents, evaluation tools, and consultation referrals that University units and personnel can use to better fit the work to the individual.

Risk factors

Ergonomics is the practice of fitting the work to the individual, which can help prevent work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Examples of musculoskeletal injuries include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and low back pain. 

Risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal injuries include awkward posturesrepetitive tasks, and/or forceful exertions. These types of injuries are usually cumulative; they develop over time, rather than resulting from a single event.

Musculoskeletal injuries can be prevented by evaluating work tasks that involve these risk factors and finding solutions to better fit the job to the person. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website covers these risk factors as well as other contributing factors in greater detail, along with advice for how to reduce or limit these risk factors.

Ergonomic hazard evaluation tools

The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) provides ergonomic hazard evaluation tools to help you:

  • Identify tasks that may increase the risk of injury
  • Prioritize your injury prevention efforts
  • Determine whether a solution adequately fixed the hazard

Use the L&I Caution Zone Checklist and the L&I Hazard Zone Checklist to identify job tasks that require awkward postures; highly repetitive motion; repeated impact; heavy, frequent or awkward lifting; moderate to high hand-arm vibration; or high hand force that could cause sprains and strains.

If hazards are identified, make the job safer by:

  • Reducing the time spent doing the task (under the limit in the checklist); and/or
  • Reduce the weight of the object being manipulated; and/or
  • Change the body position of the worker doing the task.

Office ergonomics

Reducing risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal injuries in an office setting can be addressed by:

  1. Choosing furniture and equipment that adhere to ergonomic workstation design and furniture specifications, and meet ergonomic regulations or requirements; and
  2. Adjusting the workstation to fit the individual.

Please visit the Office Furniture and Equipment and Adjust Your Workstation pages for more information.

Requests for office ergonomic evaluations

If you are requesting an ergonomic evaluation due to a diagnosed medical conditionfirst notify the Disability Services Office at, then proceed as follows.

UW employees, including School of Medicine employees not assessing UW Medicine clinical space, complete the Environmental Health & Safety Office Ergonomics Evaluation Form.

  • The information you provide on the Office Ergonomics Evaluation Form allows us to give you access to Comfort Zone, an online office ergonomic self-assessment tool. 
  • Comfort Zone asks you questions about areas of discomfort and produces recommendations for workstation adjustments and training resources to help alleviate the areas of discomfort. 
  • Completed Comfort Zone assessments are reviewed to determine the risk level and the need for a one-on-one evaluation with an ergonomist.

Training and information

The following training courses and resources are available online:

Additional training for supervisors and employees on ergonomics awareness is available from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries on the L&I Ergonomics webpage.

Disability Services Office

For questions regarding disability or reasonable accommodation assistance, please contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450, 206.543.6452 (TTY), by email at, or visit their website.

Workers' Compensation

Please contact UW Risk Services, Claim Services at or visit the Claim Services website for questions regarding employee work-related injuries or illness claims.

Additional resources

EH&S has provided the list below for informational purposes only. The listing of a particular group or company is not an endorsement by the University of Washington.