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Fire Prevention Week October 6-12

During National Fire Prevention Week, Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) will host events on the Seattle campus to remind personnel and students of steps they can take to prevent fires and the importance of responding quickly to a smoke alarm. The theme for this year’s National Fire Prevention Week is "Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!” 

Stop by our table to learn more about fire prevention and smoke detectors.


New unmanned aircraft systems safety resource

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) published a new focus sheet that provides information to support the safe and compliant use of small, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), also referred to as drones. The focus sheet is a resource for units operating/utilizing UASs to comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements.


Updated UW Field Operations Safety Manual now available

If your research includes operations out in the field, download the latest version of the UW Field Operations Safety Manual, which provides updated information on state regulations, UW policies, safe work practices, and document templates.

Field research conducted at the UW may include drone work, model rocket tests, water sample collection, boat trips, and wildlife observation, to name just a few examples.


October is Biosafety Month: Schedule a spa day for your lab

October is National Biosafety Month, a time to strengthen and reevaluate biosafety practices in the lab.

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) encourages you to set aside some time for laboratory “self-care” or a spa day! A clean and tidy lab helps ensure a safe and healthy work environment and maintain the quality of research samples.

Failure to keep good housekeeping practices in the lab can lead to time consuming and costly issues including: