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National Biosafety Month 2016: Evaluation, Collaboration and Commitment

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Science Policy has announced the 3rd annual National Biosafety Month in October 2016.

During National Biosafety Month, you are encouraged to focus attention on biosafety policies, practices and procedures. Investigators and laboratory managers should raise biosafety awareness, discuss the importance of safety, and seek input on ways to strengthen biosafety practices and procedures in their labs.

The theme of this 2016's National Biosafety Month is: Evaluation, Collaboration, and Commitment.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in Laboratories

The UW is a major research and teaching institution, and safety in our laboratories is very important to all of us. If you work in a lab, you can protect yourself and others from exposure to hazardous materials through the use of chemical fume hoods; safe work practices and training; and appropriate laboratory attire and personal protective equipment (PPE).