New Formaldehyde Safety Training


EH&S has developed a new online Formaldehyde Safety Training module to help principal investigators (PIs), lab managers, researchers and others meet the federal and WA State Formaldehyde worker safety standards for this widely used chemical. The target audience for this training is laboratory and research personnel, including those who work in research, clinical
and teaching laboratories. Federal and WA state standards require all employees who work with or may be exposed to formaldehyde in the workplace receive formaldehyde safety training.Formaldehyde-edit.jpg

In addition, EH&S has developed guidelines and an updated template standard operating procedure (SOP) for the safe use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-containing chemicals and they are now available online. This includes the new Formaldehyde, Formalin, Paraformaldehyde - Safe Work Practices  and the updated Formaldehyde Template SOP  that PIs and lab managers can customize to their individual laboratories.

We are asking PIs and lab managers to review the information, use the training, and update or develop laboratory SOPs based on these guidelines. The PI or lab manager is responsible for developing SOPs for specific chemicals used in the laboratory and training all personnel on the SOPs.

We thank UW researchers and others who provided valuable input to develop the training and supporting documents. If you have questions please contact an EH&S Occupational Health and Safety Specialist at 206.543.7388.