First published on 
08/01/2017 - 15:15


The University’s Accident Prevention Plan covers the anticipated workplace hazards that generally apply to employees across the University. It outlines policies and procedures implemented to reduce or eliminate these hazards.

The goal of the UW Accident Prevention Plan is to provide core health and safety guidance that applies to all employees at the University, along with a department’s Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan, which is customized to address specific health and safety topics related to the worksites and job hazards within an individual department.

Visit the Accident Prevention Plan webpage for more information.

Log of changes on 8/12/2024:

  • The purpose and scope of the Accident Prevention Plan (APP) was further refined to clarify who is covered by it and what is included in the term “unit”.
  • EH&S’s role was updated to reflect their role facilitating institutional committees.
  • Clarified that Safe Campus is a violence prevention and response unit and not a place to report crime. Report crimes to appropriate emergency responders.
  • Promoted the need for personnel to review emergency management’s resources on disasters such as earthquakes, make a disaster plan, and create a disaster kit.
  • The first aid information was modified to clarify that over-the-counter medications are not allowed in UW spill kits and to link to the update First Aid Plan Guidelines.
  • The information on reporting incidents was updated to clarify what and when to report, defining the types of incidents, and addressing when equipment can be moved following a fatality or a serious injury that resulted in personnel being admitted to a hospital.
  • A new section on bloodborne pathogen hazards was added.
  • Updated the communicable disease information including the Public Health Flowchart, COVID-19 Illness and Exposure Guidance, and the new UW Respiratory Illness Health and Safety Plan.
  • Clarified that only trained and authorized personnel have access to hazardous areas, and responsible parties must be notified in advance of any visitors.
  • Updated the wildfire smoke information to mention the new action levels, training and the wildfire smoke response plan.
  • Provided link to advisory information to UW personnel who voluntarily wear respirators.

Log of changes on 8/15/23:

  • Recognized that this Plan covers UW Medicine personnel but they follow additional UW Medicine policies and procedures beyond this Plan.
  • Reorganized, expanded, and clarified Roles and Responsibilities, including Executive Order #55.
  • Clarified new Division of Campus Community Safety includes SafeCampus, UWPD, UWEM.
  • Reorganized and expanded Emergency Preparedness and Response.
  • Defined and clarified expectations regarding the types of incidents to report and the time frame to report using OARS or “Report a Concern”.
  • Updated Asbestos and Other Regulated Materials section to include information on contacting UW Facilities and on avoiding the disturbance of building components.
  • Added new Recognized Safety Hazard subsections: Box Cutters, Cutting Implements, and Sharps; Communicable diseases; Concussions; Electrical Safety; Field Operations Safety; and Restricting Access to Hazardous Areas.
  • Added Appendix A: COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan.
  • Clarified that units are required to apply the workplace health and safety requirements in the APP to other categories of workers under their supervision in the workplace such as volunteers and unpaid student workers.
  • Updated the Outdoor Heat Exposure section to reflect that a permanent year-round requirement is now in place with new action levels.
  • Expanded Hazard Identification and Mitigation section.
  • Updated terminology: “incidents” replaces “accidents”; “personnel” replaces “employees”; “units” replaces “schools, departments, organizations or units”.

Log of changes 7/26/22:

  1. Updated definitions of child abuse and neglect in youth programs section.
  2. Links added to public safety section: personal safety and suspicious persons. Noted that changes coming to organization of UWEM, UWPD, and SafeCampus.
  3. Added link to Office of Global Affairs into Reporting Incidents section.
  4. Added link to AED map available through PulsePoint app.
  5. Added a link describing L&I prohibiting employer retaliation or discrimination when employees report health and safety concerns.
  6. Updated regulation dates on Outdoor Heat Exposure and Wildfire Smoke sections.

Log of changes 7/28/21:

  1. Modified the Outdoor Heat Exposure section
  2. Added the Wildfire Smoke section

Log of changes on 7/13/21:

  1. Added language to ensure it's clear that the UW Accident Prevention Plan applies to all campuses
  2. Addressed hazards of working alone
  3. Expanded language on youth safety, third party-led youth programs, and reporting abuse
  4. Expanded information on Safe Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention
  5. Added Outdoor Heat Exposure section
  6. Addressed remote site work and injuries that occur when working remotely or teleworking
  7. Addressed work from home guidance with link to office ergonomic work stations
  8. Linked to Pandemic Flu and Communicable Diseases website for information on COVID-19 and Advisory Committee on Communicable Diseases
  9. Introduced the Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan Template for departments and units to take responsibility for addressing hazards beyond what is covered in the UW Accident Prevention Plan. The Supplemental Accident Prevention Plan contains a list of potential safety hazards, resources on the EH&S website, and EH&S training courses to address the hazard.



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    Accident and Injury Reporting Contact

    (206) 543-7388